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The Seidel Family Blog

2 minutes reading time (393 words)

Waiting on the Lord


Mabuhay (welcome/hello)!

I wish I could greet you from Manila, Philippines today…or at the very least, from my airplane seat. But unfortunately, that was not God's plan for us.

The last two weeks have continued to bring change and uncertainty to our travel plans. To keep it short, restrictions into the Philippines have continued to evolve and we now require an additional approval to enter the country. That will bring us to four required approvals, assuming this final approval truly is our last. Unfortunately, we were not able to obtain that approval prior to our booked flights, so we had to rebook.

For now, we are scheduled to fly to the Philippines on June 4th. In addition to having to rebook, the required quarantine time in country has been extended. We will now have to quarantine for 14 days prior to being allowed to see our son. As such, our trip will be nearly 3 weeks long.

I wish we could say we're handling all these changes with the utmost grace and patience. But, if I am being honest, all of these changes have been very difficult on us. We ultimately trust God's timing, but oh how we long to be with our son.

Our prayer request – Lord, the changing of plans and the waiting is oh so very hard. You know our hearts and you know our longing to be with our son. Please bring us to him quickly. Be with JP today and every day. Continue to give him (and us) hope that we will all be together soon. Help him supernaturally understand that your timing is best, even when it means waiting for us. Holy Spirt, please encourage all three of us while we wait.

As you can see, I don't have many words this time around. But, when words fail us, God does not. We'll keep clinging to Him and the promise he has given us in our adoption journey. As I have struggled over the past several weeks, the Lord spoke to me the scripture in the image above in one of my daily devotionals. I am clinging to this promise each and every day. We are reassured that this is the Lord's battle – he will fight for us!

P.S. – Don't forget scripture cards! 😊

Until next time – all of our love!