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Ben and Caitlin Seidel Family

Welcome to the Seidel Family Website

We are the Seidel family - Lee's Summit (KC) branch 🙂
Ben and Caitlin Seidel

Why a Website?

Well, we own a web design, SEO, and marketing business and Ben has been designing websites since he was a teeneager, so why not a website?

In all seriousness, the real reason we created this site is for family and friends to check in since we have not been the best at staying in touch or sending letters/greeting cards!  Our hope is that this website is any easy way to stay in touch and reach out to us as well. 

We invite you to keep up on our blog or send us a quick note!

Latest Blogs

Caitlin Seidel
05 May 2023
I know it's been quite some time since I last posted. Life has been, well, life – exceptionally busy and hard to keep up with at times. In the last 10ish months, Jhon Paul has continued to be homeschooled which has come with its challenges and reward...
Caitlin Seidel
28 November 2022
Hope: He who is, and who was, and who is to come. Written by: Charles WesleyPerformed by: Meredith Andrews Well, in case you weren't keeping track, it's been quite some time since I've created one of these devotionals based upon songs. As I began an ...
Caitlin Seidel
30 July 2022
Family Life
Has it already been more than a year? Some days it feels so much longer and, other days, it has flown by! We arrived back in the US on June 10th last year, so this summer has brought all sorts of nostalgia for us. We're finally to a point where we ca...