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The Seidel Family Blog

2 minutes reading time (493 words)

Summer Picnic with Other Adoptive Families


Mabuhay (welcome/hello)!

After sending our Dossier package off, we headed on over to a picnic at the park! Our adoption agency, Holt International, hosts summer picnics across the nation to bring together those interested in adoption. Most families are either in the process of adopting or already have adopted kiddos.

At the summer picnic in the Kansas City area, we met many families and their adopted kiddos – some of those even being teens/young adults. We were actually the only family to attend this year that are "in process". Even so, the event was such an encouragement to Ben and me.

In particular, we met one adoptive family that had two young kiddos who had both been adopted within the last three-ish years. They adopted the older child and went straight into the process to adopt their younger child. I can't imagine starting this process for a second time shortly after bringing our first kiddo home – what a brave couple!😊

They provided so much great insight for us even though we are early in the process. It was encouraging to hear their process of travelling, bringing the kiddos home, and figuring out how to do life as a family. A few things we learned…

  • 1.Learn how to say "take out" in the native language of the area (some say take away, etc.). This can be very helpful when trying to get meals while in country.
  • 2.Learn how to cook native dishes from the children's birth country. And buy a rice cooker!😊
  • 3.Determine in advance the boundaries you need around those first few weeks back at home. Think through work schedules, etc. in advance to help the transition once the kiddos are home.
  • 4.Read "In on It" – a book that helps shed insight into what adoptive parents wish friend and families knew about their adoption. We recently purchased this book and I'm hoping to read it before the end of the year. I'll share some thoughts on it and our family in a later blog post.

All-in-all, it was a great Saturday sending off the Dossier and meeting other families that had walked the path we're on.

My prayer request this time around: That God would be bringing individuals into our children's life that speak life and wisdom into their situations. To whomever is currently providing for them, I just pray God would watch over each of them and guide them to providing the best possible life for the kiddos that they can. Whether they are being cared for by their birth parents, extended birth family, foster parents, whomever…God, please help them to be positive influences to whatever extent possible. As their lives unfold before they reach us, Lord, just continue to provide for whomever is caring for our children. Have your hand of blessing on their caregivers, social workers, etc. Thank you, Lord, for each caring adult you bring into their lives. 

Until next time - all of our love!