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The Seidel Family Blog

4 minutes reading time (847 words)

Settling Into New Rhythms


Mabuhay (welcome/hello)!

So, one thing has proven true each day we have been home - time seems to fly as new parents. We have officially been united as a family for six weeks and been home in the US for five weeks. Ben and I often comment to ourselves that it feels like longer and shorter all at the same time.

We have tried to be very intentional over the past weeks to make space and time for bonding as a family. Our first two and a half weeks home, we were blessed that both Ben and I could take off work and spend time together with JP. What a precious time that was for our family. We spent our days building Legos, playing lots of UNO, taking walks, and teaching basketball. We even made it to the park and to the pool. JP was also able to meet both sets of grandparents, Aunt Destinee (my sister), and some kids from our small group at church. Many women from our church brought dinners over to the house, which was such a treat to not have to cook much those first few weeks home.

While two and a half weeks seems like a long time, it was time for Ben to head back to work before we knew it. The first week, thankfully, Ben phased back into work part-time. That same week JP had his first few days at summer camp. While he enjoys being an only child, he also misses playing with kids his age, so two days a week he attends summer camp at the school he will attend in the fall. This also allows me to squeeze in a few hours at work.

July brought JP's birthday as well! A few days before, JP met Uncle Keith (my brother), Aunt Rachel, and their kids. For JP's birthday celebration, we kept things small this year and celebrated with both grandparents, Aunt Destinee, and Grammy (JP's great grandma on my side). JP loved celebrating with family and, of course, loved all the presents! Legos for the win this year when it comes to presents. ๐Ÿ˜Š

As we continue to bond as a family, we are finding rhythms of life that work for us. We are finding, though, that figuring out our family rhythm takes intentionality, as I am sure many families can say the same. We are trying really hard not to compare ourselves to others or even our own unrealistic expectations. For us, for now, that's meant keeping our world small so JP knows he can always count on us, his Mom and Dad. We have consistent, dependable daily routines โ€“ including a fairly detailed schedule on the fridge. ๐Ÿ˜Š But it also means finding, giving, and receiving grace in all those moments. As with any family, we have our ups and downsโ€ฆthose special moments when everything just jives and those challenging moments when things don't click.

We know very soon, with school just around the corner, our rhythm will change yet again. But we feel blessed and thank God frequently that he's given us this summer to establish our family relationships. We can see God's hand in each and every day. Below are some pictures we've taken in the last several weeks, including a few from JP's birthday. As before, and as will be the case for quite some time, we're still restricted in what we can share online so the pictures remain from behind. 

Our prayer request โ€“ Thank you, Lord, for the precious weeks you have given us recently to bond as a family. We are so blessed and thankful that you chose us to be JP's Mom and Dad. Continue to be with our family as we continue to process all the changes. Be with JP in the moments when our words and actions are just not enough. Help him see and trust our love. But, more than that, help him know and trust your perfect love. Help us to be the godly parents you call us to be. Holy Spirit, fill us with an appreciation in each and every moment. Begin to prepare our hearts and emotions for the upcoming transition to school.

Until next time โ€“ all of our love