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The Seidel Family Blog

3 minutes reading time (619 words)

Preparing to See Our Son


Mabuhay (welcome/hello)!

Ben and I have officially made it through 10 full days of quarantine. We have been working remotely throughout the days to make the time go faster and to put us in a better place to spend time with JP when we arrive back in the USA. It has felt long and short all at the same time. This past weekend we were even able to have another video call with JP (we have been having them each week) and talk more about the entrustment ceremony and the trip home. It was so precious being able to share with him that we were finally in the Philippines in a hotel room getting close to seeing him in person.

Earlier this week, we took another round of COVID tests and were declared COVID-free again. We then received our certificate from the Bureau of Quarantine in the Philippines. This means we are a few steps closer to seeing our son, only a few short days away.

Oh, how my heart beats with anticipation. Ben and I are both feeling a bit stir crazy, but more than that, anxiously excited to be united with JP. God continues to speak to both of us to prepare our hearts and expectations for what is it to come for our family. He continues to remind me that while this transition is exciting, it is also going to be challenging and scary at times – for me, Ben, and JP. We must continually surrender to His will and seek our refuge in Him.

Next Wednesday (June 9th), we will hop on flights to return home to the USA. The Philippines is about to enter its rainy season, and rain is in the forecast every day from now until after we leave. We are praying mightily that our flight can take off without any troubles (weather related or otherwise).

This is likely my last post while we are in the Philippines, as I will be focused on spending time bonding with our son. I have written a bit of a longer prayer request below, as I know these requests will cover quite a bit of life events until I find a moment to write another blog. These are the prayers of my heart as I anticipate the upcoming weeks. Thank you in advance for including us in your prayers, as I know we need them now more than ever!

Our prayer request – Lord, thank you for your blessings on our trip so far. We know we are in this place right now only through you. Continue to remind us of your blessings. While we have JP in the hotel with us, use that time to help us bond as a family. Give Ben and me discernment in interacting with JP and each other. Give us patience! 😊 Please ensure our final round of required COVID tests are painless and COVID-free! Help our return flights to take off on time without any issues and for us to return home as scheduled and safe. Please help the flights to not be too scary for JP; help him lean into us and you as he processes the fear. As we return to the USA, Lord, we know we will need an extra filling of the Holy Spirit as our family navigates the change. You know, Lord, what each of us will need and I pray that you would so graciously and abundantly provide it in a manner that we can easily recognize your presence. Help us to see your new mercies each morning. Give each of us a peace that surpasses all understanding and a joy that overflows.

Until next time – all of our love!