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The Seidel Family Blog

6 minutes reading time (1127 words)

Perspective in the Puzzles


Mabuhay (welcome/hello)!

I hope this update finds everyone reading it well and enjoying the start of fall! Here in Lee's Summit, Missouri, we've had some beautiful weather to kick off fall. Praise God! Last week, Ben and I were even able to take a Friday afternoon off to treat ourselves to a lunch date and afternoon at the park. It was a wonderful afternoon! This September, as like most Septembers, has brought a season of change into our routine. As summer comes to an end, even without kiddos in our house to start fall school routines, we find ourselves back in the rhythm of weekly small group, struggling getting up in the morning as it stays darker later and later, and enjoying some pretty evenings outside. It's funny how even in the midst of a global pandemic, some of life's rhythms are untouchable.

Over the summer, Ben and I started putting together puzzles. I personally never really enjoyed putting together a puzzle in my youth. As many of you might guess – I've never had enough patience with the sometimes slow progress of puzzle building. 😊 However, in this season of life, I've found putting together puzzles has been very enjoyable.

As we continue to wait on God's timing for our adoption journey, sometimes – well, most days if I am being honest – the progress feels entirely too slow. For me, the slow process of putting together a puzzle has imparted some much-needed perspective on our lives and our adoption journey.

  • Every piece of the puzzle has a purpose – Just like a puzzle is never fully complete if a puzzle piece is missing, so too does God ordain the pieces of our lives. No experience, no day, no trial, no season, no mundane activity is wasted with God. He has a purpose in each experience for me and for His kingdom. In our season of adoption waiting, I can trust that there is a purpose even in these experiences.
  • Take each piece/step one at a time – I am always a bit overwhelmed early in the process of putting the puzzle together. The initial steps of finding all the edge pieces and putting them together – well that's never too bad. But then, the very next step…phew, it can be overwhelming to know where to go next. But I'm learning, you just start with one piece at a time. God's showing me that in life as well. Just take my first step in faith today and He will provide the next step when I am ready. In our adoption journey, I only need be obedient to take the step He is calling me to today and He'll provide tomorrow's path tomorrow.
  • The big picture is a beautiful thing – I am always so surprised at the beauty of the puzzle when it's finally completed. Yes, I see the picture on the box, but once it's actually put together in front of me, it often catches my breath. I think in the process of putting one piece together at a time, I can forget to step back and be in awe of the big picture that is coming together. All that hard work comes together to make such a beautiful scene. Oh, isn't that so true in life as well? Yes, we are called to be faithful to take each step one at a time…but I believe God wants us to appreciate the big picture of the journey as well. Whether we look back and appreciate where we've come from or we take mini breaks along the path to look upward, God wants us to appreciate His magnificence in our lives and around us. For our adoption journey, I know once our kiddos are home we will be able to look back and appreciate all that God was working out for us in this season of waiting. But I also want to stop and see even just a glimpse of that now as well.

In my Bible reading this morning, I read this scripture and it spoke to me even in regards to this blog. I pray it speaks to you in your own season or circumstances. 

I am still confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord.

- Psalm 27:13-14

Maybe I am reading too much into puzzle building?😊 Either way, enjoy pictures of some of our completed puzzles this summer (I forgot to get pictures of all of them – sorry!)

If you read through my last adoption update, you saw that I am learning how to cook some Filipino dishes. My goal was 5 dishes in 2020. Well, thanks to some free weekends and a very trusting husband, I was able to try 5 main dishes and 1 side item in August/September! Ben's been very patient and encouraging as I've learned new styles of prepping and cooking. Below are some pictures of the dishes (again, I forgot to take a picture of one of the dishes but that'll just give me an excuse to cook it again.) 😊

As an update on the adoption front – We found out that we are 1 of 3 families still in consideration for the sibling set we've mentioned previously. We are so excited to still be in consideration! Unfortunately, we still do not know when a final decision will be made by the committee, but we're choosing to praise God for the update we received.

As for our prayer requests this month – We pray, Lord, that the deciding committee would make their decision quickly and with your amazing discernment. Guide them in choosing the right family for the kiddos and help them to be confident in their decision. We pray protection and comfort over the kiddos as they await news of their forever family. We pray, Lord, that we could be the right family for these kiddos. Send them our love.

Until next time – all of our love!