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The Seidel Family Blog

3 minutes reading time (614 words)

Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)


Song written by: Matt Crocker, Joel Houston, Salomon Lighthelm 
Performed by: Hillsong UNITED 

Welcome! To those of you reading this fairly close to the date I posted it – we live in such uncertain, difficult, and scary times, don't we? To those of you reading this later – think back to the times of the COVID-19/coronavirus global pandemic. That's the landscape I wrote this devotional amongst.

This song has been around for quite some time, and it's always meant so much to me. It's one that can bring me to tears if I hear it at just the right time. It's been on my list of songs since God put the devotional calling on my heart. But I must confess, right now, during this season in my life and in the world, God found the perfect time to bring the devotional to fruition. Before recently, I am quite confident I was nowhere near ready to write this devotional. But God is so perfect and merciful – He saved it for just now.

Two weeks ago, our pastor, Cory Stout, spoke on one of the passages we'll study this week. In fact, Day 3 is thanks to Cory's great sermon. In addition, that week, both Cory's wife, Amy Stout, and the founding pastor at our church, Doug Brown, spoke for a bit. Some of their statements were also vital in building the devotional this week. Without these three – Cory, Amy, and Doug – the devotional would not be what it is. Funny how God does that, isn't it?

As you'll see in the upcoming week (spoiler alert!) we'll focus on the trials of life and God's callings in our lives through this song. Two very different aspects of a believer's life, but I think this song lends itself well to both. In fact, I think it's perfect for both.I pray you do as well after this week.

I'd venture to say, no matter who you are, the coronavirus pandemic has been a very real trial in your life. Whether you struggled financially, professionally, teaching/caring for your children – or juggling a mix of all of the above – these are very anxious and uncertain times. We're in the midst of a storm and the waves threaten to overtake us at times. But take heart - our God is faithful – He is here with us in these times. He controls the wind and waves of your life!

But, even in these times, maybe you're finding God calling you to something new; perhaps something unknown? I personally can feel God calling me deeper into the callings He recently placed into my heart – our adoption process, these devotionals, and our business. I'm not sure where exactly He's taking me, but I pray He takes me deeper than my feet could ever wander on my own. Oh, how I want the greatness of His perfect will – even if it brings challenges or pain. If you too find yourself awakening to a calling of God – pray fervently He will lead you into obedience!

Wherever you find yourself or whatever season you find yourself in when you're journeying through this devotional, I pray you may encounter Jesus this week. God is great. Always. Our soul can rest in His embrace. He is trustworthy. He will make our paths straight.

Oh, how I could continue on with the encouragement of God's Truth. But I shall end here so you can hop into His Word yourself.