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The Seidel Family Blog

4 minutes reading time (859 words)

Goodbye Summer, Hello School


Wow – where to begin? It's been just over a month since I had time to last post a blog, and so much has happened in that month.

For fun, we were able to squeeze in a day at the zoo in July and some fun in the splash pad at our local park a few times. JP loved the zoo! His favorite animals were the snakes and the lion (although we didn't get to see a male lion). He even had fun being brave in the sky tram! We also met Uncle Tim (one of Ben's older brothers), Aunt Hayley, and their kiddos – George, Cora, and Lyla. Meeting them included our first mini road trip – only 2.5 hours, but JP did great! I even had a bachelorette weekend to host, so Ben and JP had a boys-only weekend! 😊

August brought Ben's 30th birthday! As with many things this summer, we kept it small – just a celebration with the three of us. But JP and I showered Ben with many gifts off his wish list, some birthday balloons (a first for me to get Ben), yummy dinners of his choosing, and his very favorite – an ice cream cake!

And, before we knew it, school was upon us. JP officially started school this past week!!! I already miss my three days a week of time with JP now that he's at school, but I love seeing the excitement he has when I pick him up from school. He loves his teacher and classmates!

As I expected in our last update, we're working to adjust our family rhythm for the new schedules school brings for our family. The long days of learning definitely wear JP out. However, we're continuing to be intentional about not overcommitting, so we can bond as a family and take much needed rest. We can feel God guiding us in each decision to say "No" to something good, so we can say "Yes" to the better –bonding and rest as a family.

On the immigration side of things, we officially received JP's social security card and green card (resident card). That was a huge sigh of relief and thanksgiving as we had been told many families were struggling to get these items due to COVID issues. We'll need these items to finalize JP's citizenship after we are allowed to finalize the adoption. And, of course as an accountant, I am glad to know we have his SSN for tax purposes! 😊

This week marks 12 weeks that we have officially been united as a family. As I reflect on the summer coming to end, I am reminded how faithful God has been each step of our journey. He provided nearly 11 weeks together for JP and us to bond prior to school and we are so grateful for each and every day. I am encouraged that God will continue to be faithful to us. Even as we learn new rhythms for school, God will provide strength, endurance, grace, rest, and so much more. We know not all days will be easy, but our God has it all taken care of for us.

Below are some pictures we've taken since our last update. As before, and as will be the case for quite some time, we're still restricted in what we can share online so the pictures remain from behind. 

Our prayer request – Our awesome and perfect Father, thank you for all the ways in which you have shown up for us and made yourself known in the past several weeks. Please be with JP, Ben, and me as we figure out this new rhythm of life called the school year. Please give JP extra energy each day to make it through all that he is learning and absorbing. But, more than that, help him to be reassured you are always with him. Help him to trust our love and continue to grow our bond as a family. Guide us to be the godly parents you would have us to be each and every day, Lord.

Until next time – all of our love!