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The Seidel Family Blog

5 minutes reading time (1092 words)

Faith and Fun


And before we knew it – fall was upon us! Where has the past nearly two months gone? It's so hard to believe how quickly time goes by now that we're united.

As we expected, school kicked our butts the past few months. Even though we knew it would be an adjustment, it has been more challenging than we anticipated. JP positively loves school and comes home so excited from the day, which we know is a blessing from God! However, we have had to adjust our routines and expectations many times in an effort to help JP keep up his energy after spending long days at school. We finally feel like we've found a manageable rhythm that allows for fun, rest, and even some schoolwork (much to JP's chagrin!) 😊

In the midst of balancing school demands, we've been able to squeeze in some time with extended family. We traveled to Sedalia to see Papa Sparks, Aunt Destinee, and Grammy. JP loved getting to explore the house I grew up in, play some foosball, and even sit on Papa's tractor! Just last week, I was in a wedding in a Sedalia, so Nana and Papa Seidel came up to Lee's Summit to spend the night with JP. Nana, of course, brought fun crafts and art projects to pass the time which JP raved about!

Ben and I have enjoyed our first few experiences of parent-only time. Of course, for the wedding last weekend, Ben and I were blessed to have a fun evening away! Even though I was busy with my matron-of-honor duties, we managed to sneak some nice conversation time in as well. No dancing for us. 😊 We also both took a day off in September while JP was at school to celebrate Ben's birthday a bit belatedly just for the two of us. We drove out to a winery northeast of the city and had a blast tasting wines, eating yummy food, and enjoying the scenery!

JP's class is learning about the early beginnings of his new country, United States of America. Because he attends a private Christian school, they are able to incorporate faith into their teachings. As such, JP has been learning about how the early leaders of our country placed much importance on the freedom of religion. We talked together about what "freedom of religion" even means and how not everyone in the world has this freedom. JP was literally shocked to hear that not everyone can read their Bible, pray in public, or go to church. His astonishment at this just melted my heart. Reading the Bible and praying is a consistent, daily presence in our home, and I am so blessed that my son treasures this freedom we have been given.

This topic also struck a chord with me, as I recently read a fiction book about religious freedoms being taken away. I know any time God puts a topic in front of me more than once, there's likely a reason. 😊 While I have strong beliefs about my Christian faith and how faith displays itself in society, I often find myself sitting on the sidelines of the discussions so-to-speak. However, my son's enthusiasm for the freedom of religion he has (now that he understands others do not have that freedom) was a light on my own enthusiasm for that same freedom. The truth is, knowing God is the #1 privilege of my life. I am so thankful and so blessed that God has placed me in a country where I can exercise the freedom to believe, worship, and follow my God. In a country and a world that is so divided on so many topics today, I pray that we would each choose to show love to one another above all grievances. For me, that love shown will be a reflection of the love I experience on a personal level from my Heavenly Father, my Creator. Even in our journey of expanding our family, Ben and I have made our choices in light of and in response to the love and adoption we have in the family of Jesus Christ. I recognize accepting our Father's love is a choice he extends to each one of us – a choice not everyone will make. But I praise God that he gives the choice nonetheless and I pray that more and more will choose to accept his gift. May we never take our choice and our freedoms for granted.

Now, onto some more lighter thoughts…below are some pictures we've taken since our last update. As before, and as will be the case for quite some time, we're still restricted in what we can share online so the pictures remain from behind. 

Our prayer request – Lord, thank you so much for placing our family in America where we have the freedom to pursue a relationship with you and to share your love with others. Thank you that you continue to show us through our adoption journey just how much we are loved, treasured, and adopted into your family. May Ben and I more fully reflect your love to JP. Help JP to fully know and grasp how awesome is your love for him. Continue to help us bond as a family. Let us be intentional each day to make the most of every moment, rejoicing in your goodness.

Until next time – all of our love!