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The Seidel Family Blog

3 minutes reading time (501 words)

Exciting News in the Seidel Family 2019


Mabuhay (welcome/hello – more on this later)!

We're super excited to have our new website up and running! We're excited to use this website as a platform to keep our family and friends better updated on the happenings in the Lee's Summit Seidel family household. I often get teased about my lack of keeping everyone updated….and, to be fair, I do struggle to make the time to keep all the special people in our lives current on our happenings. One of my personal goals is to be better about that…so, to each and everyone of you checking out our site, thanks for your patience over the last 5 years (more years for many of you) with my lack of updates!

The past 5 years have brought some immense sorrow but also unimaginable joy for us. We lost my dear sister, Jordan, but we gained a sister-in-law, brother-in-law, two nephews, and two nieces. We love the time we get to spend with our family in Columbia and Sedalia!

So, what else is new in the life of our family? Well…not so new…but still extremely exciting for us…last year we purchased our first home! We still have many friends and family who haven't been able to trek to our neck of the woods, so some pictures below. ? 

We love our first home! Man, did God bless us big time with our home. Of course, home ownership hasn't come without its challenges…as any homeowner knows. Over the last year, we've done a bit of sprucing up and were extremely grateful we were not negatively impacted by the massive rainfall we've had in the KC area this spring. That said, Ben's been up on the roof (much to my chagrin) cleaning gutters regularly and out in the rain making sure we have correct drainage during the big rainstorms. Did I mention how awesome of a husband and homeowner Ben is?Yes, he literally goes out in the torrential downpour!

As we look towards the future (and yes, another reason for us finally getting this website up), we're excited to announce we have officially begun the adoption process! More to come in future posts about this big decision and how we arrived at it, but let me start by saying WE ARE STOKED! We truly believe God has had his hands on each and every decision that has led us to this point in our lives and our marriage.

So, back to my intro – Mabuhay. As you've likely guessed, this is the native greeting for the birth country of our future children….the Philippines. And no, the plurality of children in my previous statement is not lost on me (or Ben, thank goodness!).

I will end this post with a simple statement that likely will leave lots of questions to be addressed in future posts…

Ben and I feel called and are, thus, actively making steps to become adoptive parents of a sibling group from the Philippines.

Until next time – all our love!