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The Seidel Family Blog

4 minutes reading time (724 words)

Checking Items Off the List


Mabuhay (welcome/hello)!

What an amazing two weeks we have had in our adoption journey! I have so many updates that this momma's heart is about to explode! For anyone who has been praying over our adoption in the last few weeks – a great big THANKS! God has heard all those prayers and He has come through – in ways that only He can.

Last post, we requested several key prayer requests. Here is the update!

  • JP's visa appointments – He was able to have his visa appointments before the Embassy closed for holidays. YAY!
  • Easing of travel restrictions – We were told that ICAB was successful in obtaining an exemption for adoptive parents to travel to the Philippines even though most other foreign nationals are not allowed. Again, YAY!

In case you are keeping track – God answered "YES!" to each of our prayer requests last post. The above two answers to prayers pave the way for some quick movement towards travelling. I cannot tell you how blessed we are. But wait – there is more!

  • Last Tuesday, we received a video and recent pictures of JP! Oh, how we about passed out right then and there. The most recent pictures we had of JP were about 2 years old, so it was so amazing to just see how much he has grown and changed. We never expected to receive a video so that was just icing on the cake and oh so precious!
  • On Sunday evening, we were able to video chat with JP!!! That was the best experience of the week by far. We are over the moon about our precious son. Being able to talk with him was more than we could ever hope for – but God is a miracle worker.
    • Since we cannot share any photos of JP, unfortunately, you are stuck looking at a picture of Ben and I as we prepped for the call. 😊

So, what is next?

  1. At this point, we are awaiting JP's final visa paperwork to be delivered to ICAB. We are told that might be another 1-3 weeks.
  2. We will then get travel approval from ICAB!
  3. Due to COVID restrictions/protocols, we will need to submit a request to travel to other governmental agencies.
  4. Once we receive sign off from the other agencies, we can book our flights and hotel!!!
  5. Once we have flights and accommodations booked, we will have to obtain travel visas. We are told that can take about a week.

In a nutshell, we are on track for a May trip. I am praying God provides for our trip to be early May. This momma would really love to meet her son in person for Mother's Day.

Last post we also invited everyone to send us scripture cards for JP. If you do not recall what all that entailed, check out the blog here. While you can certainly send those to us anytime, even after we travel, if you were hoping to get the scripture card(s) to us before we travel, we would encourage you to send those within the next few weeks. If you need our mailing address, message Ben or me, or fill out our contact form.

Our prayer request - Oh Lord, you have shown up in such a big way for us these past few weeks. We thank you for our answered prayers. You are a good and loving Father. Thank you for the opportunity and blessing to connect via video calls with our son before we travel. You know the longings of our hearts; you know our needs in this process. We pray that you would continue to fulfill our longings and point us towards you. We thank you for the faith you have given our handsome son. Continue to be with him and with us. We ask for your awesome deliverance again, Lord. Please help travel approval to come quickly, travel preparations to be smooth, and our trip to see our son be an amazing experience. Please, Lord, make this trip happen quickly. Bring our family together. Encourage our son as we all wait.

Happy Easter to everyone! We pray this weekend would be a time of reflection on the sacrifice Jesus made for each us and a time of celebration that He is Risen!

Until next time – all of our love!