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The Seidel Family Blog

4 minutes reading time (828 words)

A Meditation on Thanksgiving


Mabuhay (welcome/hello)!

The holiday season is upon us. In just a few short weeks, we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving and then hopping right into Christmas festivities. While many people's holiday seasons will look quite different this year, Ben and I are blessed to still be able to see our immediate families quite a bit this holiday season (while practicing caution in interactions, of course). We can't wait to see family and nourish our spirits with some fun times.

I left off last month's adoption update with a note about feeling God was telling us something important would happen in late October/early November. While God hasn't revealed that item to us yet, we're still praying continually that it may be true and that He would confirm it quickly. 😊 Quickly is my new mantra lately…more about that in a moment. Even within this week, God has urged me to prepare my heart for something to come.

Back to the mantra of quickly…As I write this blog about Thanksgiving in the midst of a year of global turmoil and slow progress on our adoption front, I am convicted to remember that God's timeline is not dictated by my own. His time is so much better than my own. While I can bring my requests to Him of quickness, I surrender my will to His. Which brings me to a favorite passage I am meditating on this Thanksgiving…

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

While it may seem a bit odd for Thanksgiving, it feels fitting for the season Ben and I are in at this time. I think it may even be fitting for so many people in our world this holiday season. Oh, how I wish our adoption process could go faster. In my heart of hearts, I wish our kiddos were home right this very moment. Some days it even feels unbearable. God is reminding me even today, though, that Ben and I don't need to worry about timing or outcomes of our adoption process. Whatever you're worrying about today, you can release those anxieties. Instead, we can make our requests known to God and surrender them to Him...along with our praise to Him. When we bring a heart of thanksgiving to our interactions with God, our focus shifts, our perspective aligns with the amazing Father we have. Worry flees at the memory of all the awesome works He has done in our lives. When I take the time to list all the blessings He has given me…even all the blessings that came from His waiting, well I am brought to tears of appreciation and surrender in this current moment.

In those moments of surrendering our requests to Him and bringing our praise, we can be confident the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard us. Why can we be confident in that? Because God says so in this very scripture. The scripture goes on to tell us to meditate on whatever is true, noble, pure, lovely, admirable. So, this Thanksgiving as Ben and I await God's fulfillment in our adoption process, our hearts will be meditating on that which is true, noble, pure, lovely, and admirable. We have such an awesome God – may we never forget it.

If you haven't taken time to meditate on Philippians 4 recently, I encourage you take some time this holiday season to fill your heart with His Word in Philippians 4. I pray the Lord speaks to each of you along with Ben and I this holiday season.

Our prayer requests this month - Oh Heavenly Father, we are so thankful for the blessings You have given us in being able to prepare our home, our lives, and our hearts for our future kiddos. Thank you for teaching us patience and surrender. Continue to shape our desires and hearts into that which You would want for us. Reveal to us what it is You want and have for us. May that be quickly Lord. Be with our precious kiddos this month Lord. Fill them with Your peace that surpasses all understanding.

Fun fact: Even as I was wrapping up this blog, these lyrics came on: "Though I can't see, I still believe You're good, so I'm moving forward. Through crashing waves, I know I'm safe with You. You hold my life, You hear my cry...I know my story, it isn't over. Even against all odds, You are a faithful God." Isn't that so true? Oh, what a wonderful and faithful God we have.

As I ended last November, I end again. Happy Thanksgiving to each of you! May your homes and hearts be filled with love and gratitude this season. Know that Ben and I love each of you!

Until next time – all our love!